Articles on: Settings
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Cold Spot Settings

When a device is registered on your account, you can edit it and set it as you want.

1) Temperature

Here, you can set the minimum and the maximum temperature threshold. This function makes it possible to trigger the notification when you have a problem with your device.

2) Type of notification

You can choose the type of notification that you want to be warned in case of problem. You have the choice between mail or by mobile or you can choose both.

3) Pause notifications

This function allows you to put off the notifications.
In fact, if you want to clean your device, you can just put the system off during a period of time. You have the choice between 2 hours, 1 day or during a week long.
You can also desactivate these alerts.

4) Advanced Settings

This part allows you to program a warning after a period of time during which there are problems.

Visual warning
This alarm will inform you in case of problem by changing the colour of the sensor on the app. First, it will be orange for the alarm, when it’s red you are going to receive a notified alert.

Notified alert
This waring will send you a mail, a notification or both after a period of time which there problems. The type of notification depending on your choice in settings.

At the end, when your’re done, remember to click on « validate ».

Updated on: 01/02/2022

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